Thursday, 28 December 2017

END OF YEAR REFLECTIONS (A time to think back and then think forward) 5

1-If you were to start 2017 all over again, what specifically would you do differently?
2-Now that you cannot start 2017 all over again and is about to start 2018, how would you do it differently come next year?
If things must be different for you next year, then you must be ready to live differently. Remember, change does not only begin with you, but it begins in you. See you Greater in 2018!


END OF YEAR REFLECTIONS (A time to think back and then think forward) 4

That we are still alive is an indication that the journey continues. Every new day, month and year is an opportunity to live and lift more trophies for humanity and ultimately, our Creator.
Now, having experienced all you experienced this year-the ups and the downs, the moments of joy and the moments of pains and grief, WHAT NEXT?
You may have reasons to celebrate the victories you attained this year amidst shedding secret tears for some issues you couldn't help, but don't settle for them. Move on. Constantly raise the bar. Apply again even after being turned down previously. If you could achieve this much, you can achieve more. Remember, you can always go the extent you are determined to go in life. See you Greater in 2018!


END OF YEAR REFLECTIONS (A time to think back and then think forward) 3

The more specific you are in following your own unique path in the pursuit of your God-given destiny, the fewer the number of people you have to compete with because you are like no one else-you are unique. People may imitate you but cannot duplicate your brand because no one else has the "stuff" you are made of. Only you have the capacity to birth that which you carry in the womb of your inner man - the real you. So, if what you achieved this year is not consistent in all measures with what you conceived, then you have to sit down to check what went wrong. Find out whether you spent the year to the dictates of prevailing circumstances, people's expectations and opinions or you really spent the year to pursue those things that satisfy the yearnings of your soul at the very core.
To optimize your yield come 2018, you have to re-prioritize, get your priorities right and discipline yourself to focus on the pursuit of your core passions-your innermost heart cries. It may cost you the approval and ovation of some persons whom you have always sacrificed to please even at your own expense, but never mind. If choosing to live the life you are destined to live is being seen as an offence by some persons, then I encourage you to commit the offence even more and owe nobody apology. See you Greater in 2018!

END OF YEAR REFLECTIONS (A time to think back and then think forward) 2

As we grow in life, we adjust and adapt to the different circumstances we find ourselves. In doing this, we either adjust our dreams to the situation, or adjust the situation to our dreams depending on the level of our instinctive response to prevailing circumstances. The outcome of either of these pathways is either the alteration and shrinkage of our dreams to the size and nature of the status quo or the expansion of our dreams beyond what is ordinarily obtainable and achievable. In all, we are responsible for the outcome of our lives.
Whatever might have been the outcome of your life this year is what you have made to happen either consciously or unconsciously and whatever would be the outcome come next year is what you would make to happen. You have to take responsibility to birth the change you desire and the time is now. See you Greater in 2018!

END OF YEAR REFLECTIONS (A time to think back and then think forward) 1

No matter how bad you were back stabbed, betrayed, backbitten, disappointed and hurt this year, don't take it too serious and carry it into next year. Be consoled by the fact that it takes somebody standing at your back to stab or bite you at the back. Anybody that back stabbed you this year is invariably still behind you in mind and in life irrespective of how old and how much the person seems to have achieved. It is only people who are still far backward in their thinking that gossip, backbite and back stab others.
However, no matter how pained you are when you are back stabbed, don't respond by falling backward because you may end up falling on the same "knife" that stabbed you and may even get more injured. Instead, fall forward because that's where you are going in destiny. Don't even cry for people to see your tears. Just help yourself to heal up anyhow and continue the journey as if nothing happened.
Now, vengeance is a fire that burns the "offended" before the "offender". And achieving your dreams in the midst of the betrayals and disappointments is the best vengeance. Vengeance takes your attention from your dreams to people's offences and this is one of the ways people get distracted and begin to fight the wrong battles.
To optimize your yield in all of your pursuits come 2018, you must focus on your dreams and not people's deeds. You have to build a better "shock absorber" and expand the size of your "offence bin". See you there!



Those who aspire for more, perspire more to acquire more. When your desire for excellence expires, you may then retire to the empire of mediocre and be ejected from the league of highflyers. And don't blame them if they don't welcome you among them. Just have what it takes to be there and you have a seat. When your soul no longer cry for "what's next", then you are done with the errand and you are good enough to be substituted. STEP UP YOUR DREAMS!

Monday, 25 December 2017


Learn from past experiences, don't just keep the memories. From the things you got right, learn something and from the things you got wrong, still learn something. It is the application of the good lessons you've learnt from your past mistakes that lessens your chances of failing again. If you can't learn anything from the things you've suffered so far this year, then you suffered in vain. Keep gathering your lessons in preparation for 2018.See you there!


Most times, we discover our purpose for living in our core passions: what we are passionately driven to, as well as what we are passionately driven from; what we passionately hate, as well as what we passionately love. At times, what you cannot stand could be a clue to what you are born to stand for if only you can pay sensitive attention. And nature cannot entrust you with the real blessings of life if you don't know the essence of the errand. A PURPOSEFUL LIFE IS THE REAL LIFE!



You don't need to put yourself through the stress of continuously pursuing the fowl from eating your groundnut all the time. Just simply cork the groundnut tightly in a bottle and that settles it. Know how best to guard your treasures whether under pressure or under pleasure in order to maximize the full measure of those treasures. Remember , predators all around...,be vigilant!


...there is a GIANT within you, release him,
...there is a VOICE within you, let it speak,
...there is a LIGHT within you, let it shine,
...there is a FIRE within you, let it burn,
...there is a KING within you, let him reign,
...there are BRICKS within you, erect a building,
...there is a HIGHER GROUND than this, aim at it,
...there is a BETTER LIFE than this, search for it and live it,
...there is a DESTINY within you, fulfill it,
...don't give up now for you've gone too far from where you started and you are closer to where you are going,
...that it is difficult does not make it impossible, can still make if you don't give up,


We all have the freedom to make choices in life, but not to choose the families we are born into and how we were brought up, yet, these influence our lives greatly. But even if you couldn't determine where you came from, you can use what you came with - your potentials to determine how the remaining part of your life should be.
If you were not born with a "silver spoon " in your mouth, it's no big deal but ensure you don't die without one. Get one for yourself by "silver -coating" your mind with beautiful thoughts and great dreams. Remember that no matter how it has been before now as a result of circumstances beyond your control, however it will be henceforth is your choice. So, it's up to you!


Always be on the steering of your mind and hence, your life and nobody will have the right to take you for a ride. People will only have a grip on you the extent you allow them. Don't be a prisoner of people's opinions and expectations. You were created with much freedom and dignity. It's your life, live it and be fulfilled!


Potentials are elastic but without elastic limit. The more you discover and put them to work, the more they stretch. And the more they stretch, the wider your orbit of achievement and success. There are greater potentials in you than you think, stretch them daily and keep growing!


...The past might have been funny,
...the present is still being sunny,
...yet the future is horning and coming.
...Will you fold your arms and allow it meet you unprepared? Not at all!
So, get under the sun even when there is no fun and work out your dreams.
...You may at least get a face towel to take care of your sweat, may not be sweet, but you can still sweep through.
...Don't wait for too long, because you may waste your chances.
...It will soon be sunset,, change your mind set to that of a winner instead of being upset things aren't working.
...When things fall apart, set yourself apart to take part in a moment of self-reinvention.
...The harsh weather may only make you sweat, but it will not kill you.
...Give no excuse.
...So, right now, on your mark...,get set...,goooo and pursue your dreams!
All the best!


In the time of storm, you may either discover the faith or the fear you never knew you had. Most times challenges of life excavate, mine as well as refine both the strengths and weaknesses locked up somewhere within us. And whether you will be motivated thereafter by the revealed faith to live your greatest self or be overcome by the revealed fear to retire and remain confined to your comfort zone is up to you.



Knowing what matters most at every stage of your life is what matters most among the things you know that matter. And the discipline to pay utmost attention to that which matters most saves you the tension of regret that comes with misplacement of priorities. Set your priorities right.



Allowing people and things that does not take you closer to your dreams to take your precious time is one of the definitions of carelessness and un-seriousness in life. You end up on the losing side. Every bit of time you spend on things and with people who are not connected to your dreams postpones the fulfillment of your dreams by the same amount of time. How much you value time reflects how much you value life, for time is life. Anything or anybody that unnecessarily take your time takes your life even without killing you. VALUE TIME!


Don't try to test a man's ability to handle gold by giving him gold. First test him with clay. It is the golden attitude with which he handles the clay that shows if he can really handle gold or not. If he cannot handle clay with a sense of dignity and value, then you better keep your gold by yourself. ATTITUDE MAKES THE DIFFERENCE!


The way you talk reflects the way you think, and the way you think reflects the way you are - your nature. So, you talk as you think and you think as you are. Words are indeed powerful!


Great virtues are like nectars. They attract many insects around you. Some will come to pollinate you to become fruitful in life while others come to pollute you. Some are around to complement and complete you while others come to compete with, and contaminate you. So, watch carefully to recognize each of these categories and know how to relate with them. Sensitivity and discretion are key to maximizing relationships.



As you live each day, endeavor to appreciate and learn the beauty of what has been as well as what is now in order not to lose touch with what can be. Tradition and innovation must not be sacrificed for each other .Both need to work in harmony to achieve great success.


Your mentality is the maternity where results are birthed. Every result you command in life is a fruit of the seeds planted in your mind either consciously or unconsciously. You only achieve what you conceive and believe. That is the rule.


Don't be too much in a hurry to walk into open doors especially having waited for so long, because that could just be the door to your own prison and you wouldn't know until you've entered. Never allow exigency to overtake your sense of discernment and discretion in handling opportunities. Your decision either to accept or reject the offer can either make you free or enslaved. You can't be too hungry to the point of eating your own tongue. Be sensitive.


Sunday, 24 December 2017


You know a star player by what he plays and not what he says. Do the work and let your results do the talk.


Friday, 22 December 2017


It is a good counsel as it was said "when you are in Rome, behave like the Romans" but don't forget who you are if you are not a Roman. There are times we may need to adapt to some inevitable situations we find ourselves just to meet up with the demand of time, but never to alter our core self. Dare to be yourself now and always.



Do not condone what you are supposed to condemn and do not condemn what you are supposed to condone irrespective of what and who is involved. If you fail to place things where they belong, some day they may fall out of place, fall back on you and may even hurt you. The battle against sentiment is a must -win if you must succeed in life.


It is what you know others don't know that gives you an edge over them. You are as far ahead or behind others the extent you know .What and how much a man know is never hidden ,it is written all over him.


We all have time but no one has all the time. Life gives us several opportunities to get things right, but you wouldn't know definitely how many chances you will ever have. So it is safer to make the most out of every opportunity as if another one will not come to discover later on there is still another chance, than to underuse or misuse an opportunity hoping to get another one just to discover at the end that your chances are already exhausted. Sensitivity, discretion and pro activeness are the key to maximum productivity in life.


The challenge is not times that are too hard, but men that are too soft. In hard times, you either mount up to greater heights and sizes of glories or melt down to mediocrity. This is the difference between the great and the small.


In life, you go the way you know and as far as you know. You live and do things the way you know. You treat people as you know and make people to treat you as know. You respond to life circumstances as you know. In all, it is not difficult to find out what and how much a man knows. It is written all over him.


For every of your request in life, the responses are basically "yes", "no" or "wait". If you acknowledge this reality, you will not be afraid to place your demand anytime, and you will not be surprised too about the way people respond to your demands. Don't attach undue emotional relevance to people's actions and reactions towards your expectations of them.


Most times, we find our purpose for living in our core passion: what we are passionately driven to as well as what we are driven from; what we passionately love as well as what we passionately hate. Often, what you cannot stand is a pointer to what you are born to stand for. And nature cannot entrust you with the real blessings of life if you don't know the essence of the errand.


When faced with stormy circumstances, you can either discover the faith or the fears you never knew you had. Challenges help to excavate, mine and reveal the strengths as well as weaknesses locked up somewhere within us. And whether you will be motivated thereafter by the revealed faith to live your greatest self or be overcome by the revealed fear to retire and be confined to your comfort zone is up to you.



Be careful with the decisions you take under pressure and under pleasure because your sense of judgment may be beclouded under these two emotional atmospheres. Avoid taking very sensitive decisions when you are not in your right frame of mind because the end may be regrettable.


Living in your area of calling prevents you from falling. Find your core passion, fit into it and function there. This is the way you will be fulfilled. Real success comes from doing what you are good for and not just what you are good at. When the works of your hand is not in line with the desire of your heart at the very core, you end up struggling without feeling fulfilled. Remember, people or circumstances cannot push you in the wrong direction without your consent.


Spending your precious time on things and with people who don’t take you any closer to your dreams is one of the definitions of utmost carelessness in life .How you value time is a reflection of how you value life, because time is life. What takes your time daily is a pointer to what you will become at the end of life. Life counts most when you make every bit of your time count. Value your time and make people around you do same!



For everything you are destined to be, there is a process of becoming, and you are not, until you become. The world does not care much about what you dreamt of becoming until you become it. It is with this consciousness that Great men fight against all odds to birth their dreams. DARE TO LIVE YOUR DREAMS!


As you live daily, care enough to appreciate and learn from the beauty of what has been and what is, respectively without losing touch with what can be.
Tradition and innovation must not be sacrificed for each other. Both need to work in harmony and in balance to achieve maximum success in all your pursuits. Know when to follow your heart and when to follow your head.


Saturday, 16 December 2017


Your mentality is the maternity where results are birthed. Every result you command are only fruits of the seeds planted in your mind either consciously or unconsciously aforetime. You achieve what you conceive, that is the rule.



The container may attract the people, but it is the content that keeps them. You end up deceiving yourself first and then others when your container promises what your content cannot deliver. Looking real and being real are not same and the world knows the difference. Take note!



Be careful with words because you are your words. People will not judge you by what you intended to say, but by what you have said. So,let your words conform with who you are and your intentions. Think before you talk!



Knowing the things that matter most at a particular point in time is what matters most among the things you know that matters. And the discipline to pay utmost attention to the things that matter most saves you the tension of regret that comes with making wrong choices in the midst of closely competing options. Be more sensitive!


It is more difficult to help a man with blind mind than a man with blind eyes. The blind eyed person who has an open mind will see what you are doing for him as a blessing and hence become responsive and appreciative it, whereas the blind minded person even with his eyes open will see what you are doing for him as a burden and become unresponsive and unappreciative. Be careful enough to sow your seeds only on good grounds. Be selfless but don't be careless with your seeds.


Friday, 15 December 2017

Greatness comes in installments

Greatness comes in installments -laying one brick on another until you have a whole building and this is why achieving greatness is very possible. Do not neglect the small steps you have to take daily towards the attainment of your life goals because that's all you need to achieve the whole.



Indeed, behind every glory either the one already attained or anticipated are stories. These stories come under different labels which vary from one individual to another depending on what we represent in destiny. What determine our fate in life are not the circumstances we go through but our individual responses to those circumstances. At times, things may be Okay but at other times they may not. 
But get this:
Ø When things go out of place, you need to keep your MIND in place to get things back in place .When things go out of hand, stretch forth your hand and bring them back.
Ø When things go wrong don't go with them. Just take the lead and circumstances will follow. You need to re-invent yourself for the events of your life to change.
Ø When the road ahead looks dark and gloomy, don't get confused and get lost. Instead follow your INSTINCTS (your inbuilt wiring and inner programming to succeed) to navigate through those sphere of circumstances to a world of new possibilities and glories.
Ø That the road is slippery is not enough reason to stumble and fall. You just need to plant your feet each time more firmly on the ground as you walk through.
Ø You may lose all, but don't lose your MIND because that's all you need to pursue, overtake and recover all you've lost.
Now, no matter how tough and rough it might have been for you, I think you can still get back at your destiny and fulfill it (I really think so).
STAY ENCOURAGED!               



As we go through life, we experience things that may either encourage us to pursue our most cherished dreams or discourage us. But whether we will be encouraged or not, it's our choice. The things that work for us are only fruits of the things that work in us (our character, resiliency, resourcefulness, creativity and innovation). When we bring these to bear, we have the ability to name our price, label our expectations and results and re-route our destinies towards a desired end.
You see, no matter what your own set of experience in life may be, you can always succeed if you chose to keep doing what's required persistently and consistently no matter the prevailing circumstances.
You once had a dream that was scorched to death by harsh circumstances?... Never give up the race. Dare to dream again but this time, bigger, clearer and with greater faith. You once invested only to discover that some of your precious seeds fell by the way side, on rocky grounds and among thorns?...... don't give up!!!. Dare to sow again but this time on a good soil. In pursuit of your life goals, you played the ball aiming for your target goal only to see the ball over the bar-you missed it. Don't give up still play the ball again but with more focus. You can still bind your pieces together to love and trust again even after being heart broken, disappointed and betrayed several times.
Please note that you would always have one more chance of hitting your target so long you are still ready to make one more attempt on target.
Dare to maximize the opportunities that this month brings to bring out your greatest self.