Wednesday, 31 January 2018


ü   It is not too late to rise no matter how long and how many times you might have fallen. If falling is possible, then rising is equally possible.
ü   It is not too late to heal up no matter how bad you might have been hurt and bruised. Just forgive, let go, put yourself together and move on.
ü   It is not too late to restart and continue the journey no matter how long you might have been delayed.
ü   It is not too late to get it right no matter how many times you might have missed it.
ü   It is not too late to come back home no matter how long you might have wandered away pursuing vain fantasies.
ü   It is not too late to forgive and love yourself again no matter how long you might have felt disappointed in yourself.
ü   It is not too late to unlearn that bad habit that has held you captive no matter how many times you might have tried to break the addiction but to no avail.
ü   It is not too late to take that "difficult decision" that you've been struggling with.
ü   It is not too late to make it no matter whom and how many people that has written you off.
...there is greatness within you..., you can still become great again and again!

Tuesday, 30 January 2018


Life in it nature is a battle and we fight battles everyday even the ones we least expected. At times, you may be attacked and even injured despite being innocent .Those you expect to fight for you may turn back to fight against you, but ensure you don't die in the battle field. So long you still have some life in you, dare to fight back and fight through until you break through. You may come back home from the battle field bleeding but ensure you come home with the trophy. Defiling all circumstances to fulfill your dreams against all odds is the greatest vengeance.
Don't be scared of scars to quit the battle field, that's how Generals are made. When life hit you hard, you may be broken but don't allow your pieces to be scattered. Instead, bind your pieces together to form a stronger "You". Remember, the 'attacker' is never the winner until the 'attacked' gives up. Don't give up, you can still make it!


Monday, 29 January 2018


...Smiling even in the face of tribulations,
...being brave, courageous and un-intimidated by circumstances,
...showing love, forgiveness and kindness to those who don't even deserve it,
...being generous even to those who won't day 'thanks',
...standing for the truth and always irrespective of who and what's involved,
...knowing and treating yourself as you really worth without losing respect for others,
...judging people by what they are born with and not where they are born or who gave birth to them,
...rebuking people for their wrongs without reducing them,
...having the eyes that see far, the ears that listen and the heart that discerns to place things where they belong,
...saying a sincere 'thanks' even for the slightest offer, saying 'sorry' even when not at fault and saying 'please' even when you have the power to command...,is the life of a King. Any one living short of these is a kid even with a big crown on his head.


Sunday, 28 January 2018


Set yourself on fire. Some people will come around just to watch you burn. Some will stay away from you because of the heat. Some will try to quench the fire while some will contact the heat and start burning themselves.

For every of your vision you carry and pursue:

·       Some people will just be there either to encourage or discourage you.
·       Some will misrepresent, misunderstand and detest your dream, feel threatened by your dreams all out of ignorance, strife, envy and self insecurity.
·       While there are some who would buy into your vision, lend you their support and even get inspired themselves to discover and pursue their own dreams.
With this foreknowledge, you will know what to expect from people and how to relate with each category as you declare and pursue your dreams. Remember, nobody can stop you without your permission!

Saturday, 27 January 2018


Be careful with the decisions you take under pressure and under pleasure because these are two emotional extremes where you may not be in your right frame of mind.
When under pressure, the atmosphere of your mind may be clouded by anger, bitterness, fear and other negative feelings and this may make you think it wise to do anything that could just relief you even if it is for that moment without considering the impact it would make in the long run.
At these two emotional sides, it may be unlikely to think well and think deep before making our judgments. That's when you begin to say YES when you are suppose to say NO or say NO when you are suppose to say YES. It is always difficult to commune with our core self before taking decisions and actions. This brings regrets, hurts, disappointments and you would have wasted time and other resources even if you realize you made a mistake and is ready to make amends.
Remember that there is never a second chance to make a first impression. You make your decisions and your decisions make you. Whatever you are today and would ever become in life is your decision. So, think before you do!

Friday, 26 January 2018


Do not condone what you are suppose to condemn and do not condemn what you are suppose to condone irrespective of what and who is involved. If you fail to place things where they belong, some day they may fall out of place, fall back on you and may even hurt you.
There are times we are trapped by our choices either by what we do or fail to do. We are confronted daily by different situations to which we respond but whether you will get it right or wrong, it depends on your ability to see things the way they really are and the discipline to place things where they belong.
Every decision we take in life either take us a step forward or backward relative to the calendar of destiny. It becomes important therefore to be very realistic and practical in all our dealings. You need to be well guided by both your instinct and your intellect in balance. You need to have the maturity to label different circumstances correctly in order to respond to each situation appropriately. In fact, your settlement in life is not guaranteed until you overcome sentiment. The battle against sentiment is a must -win if you must succeed in life.


Thursday, 25 January 2018


Do not wait to do tomorrow what you can and should do today for tomorrow has its own workloads. Greatness comes in installments, in steps. It comes from the cumulative effect of the small steps you take daily in the direction of your dreams. So, putting any step or responsibility on hold unnecessarily puts the accompanying blessings on hold. You are always a step behind schedule in the calendar of destiny each time you procrastinate. There may be need at times to slow down as occasion demands, but don't be cut up in the web of procrastination.


·       Lack of proper planning.
·       Laziness.
·       Indiscipline in time management.
·       Lack of self motivation and passion.
·       Lack of focus and the courage to attempt even in the face of oppositions.
·       Fear of the unknown.
·       Feeling of inadequacy.
Please always remember that any dream you have today, many destinies are tied to it and failing to fulfill it will not only affect you but those who could have benefited from it. So, no matter the prevailing circumstances, wake up right away and then,...on your mark, get set, goooooo...pursue your dreams!

Wednesday, 24 January 2018


You teach others what you know, but you reproduce what you are. You may hide your photos in an album in your house, but your image is out there. If you are for real or not, the world knows and always remembers.

Tuesday, 23 January 2018


How committed you are to the pursuit of your God given dreams determines how vacant you would be to be used by other people to actualize their own dreams and at times, at your expense. You may either spend a bulk of your life fulfilling nothing worthwhile, fulfilling other people's dream or fulfilling your own dreams, and the choice is yours. Do something that is eternally rewarding with your life this year!


Monday, 22 January 2018


To achieve greatness in life, you have to go beyond what is required and do what is inspired. You have to go beyond where is required and go to where you aspire to be. It may be risky and tasking; you may perspire more. But if you don't give up and retire from the race, you must with time acquire that which you desire. You must pay for greatness before you can be paid for it. Be great!

Sunday, 21 January 2018


Big dreams are always heavy, that's why average minded people cannot bear them unto fruition. To be great in life, you have to be great in your mind first and then your attitudes. In the end, greatness is not a "positional" state but a mindset and attitude that become a lifestyle. You need to think greatness to live greatness!

Saturday, 20 January 2018


Always insist to persist even when life resists. When nobody is there to assist, still persist. That's part of the things that would contribute to your success story at the end. Don't give up!

Friday, 19 January 2018


The big difference between the value of gold and iron is in the attitude of those that make them. With great attitudes, iron can be made as valuable and expensive as gold, and with small attitudes, gold can be made less valuable and expensive as iron. Everything and everybody in your life bears the value you place on them. What becomes your lot at the end of time is what you've made of your life.

Thursday, 18 January 2018


You don't necessarily need a prophet to know where a man is coming from and where he is going in life because it is written all over him. Just look at the way he responds to the issues of life. Indeed, actions speak volumes. By their actions, you will surely know them.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018


    You can't really judge a person as being obedient and
submissive until he has enough ground to disobey and rebel but still chose to
remain obedient and submissive. A character or virtue that has not been tested
cannot be trusted.


Like in computer systems, we also have input and output devices as humans. Our input devices are basically the ear, eye, nose and skin; while the mouth is our output device. What we hear with our ears, see with our eyes, perceive with our nose and feel with our skin all send messages to our mind. These messages are then processed in the mind into strong perceptions. These perceptions influence the way we see things which in turn influence the way we act, talk as well as our expectations. Our expectations influence our pursuits. Our pursuits as well as our confessions influence the results we command. This is the human input and output mechanism.
So, this year, be careful with what you hear, see, perceive and feel in order to safeguard your mind against "mental poisoning". You need to secure your mind to secure your future.

Tuesday, 16 January 2018


Never be afraid of asking for more, even "Oliver asked for more".
Set great goals this year; take small steps daily to achieve them while constantly raising the bar. This is the key to excellence.


...Life is a game and a race, win it!
...Life is a gift, receive it and let it flow through to others!
...We are here to stay, but for how long? Just a moment!
...What's the essence of all these our daily struggles? Find out and get it right!
...The errand is very crucial. The "Sender" has invested so much on it and expects so much from it. And the "Sent" has to face business and be serious with it.
...The errand is for an appointed time and one day, results will be out. Set the records straight.
...Remember, time is ticking faster than you think. BE FULFILLED!


Great men don't get there to start, they start to get there. Starting where you are with what you have is the beginning of the journey to greatness. Remember, at times it's not "...on your mark..., get set..., goooo..." But   "...on your mark..., goooo..., get set...". Even if you are not too prepared as you wished, still start the journey anyhow but ensure you put yourself together gradually while on the journey. Start something this year even if in a small way!


The proud heart is done learning and hence skips learning, but the humble heart is still learning and keeps learning. Not being teachable makes you perishable. The feeling that you've known it all is an indication that you know nothing and this is what pride can do. You become prone to making blunders beyond borders and at times, with irreparable damages. Please note that no matter how much knowledge you might have acquired in life, it is what you know after you've "known it all" that makes the difference most times. The "learned" in the society are not actually those who have learnt all that there is to learn, but those who have made the act of continuous learning their life style. PLEASE LEARN!

Monday, 15 January 2018


To win real big in life, you must ensure a consistent alignment between the works of the hand, the works of your heart and the works of your head. Not until you dare to engage your hands and your head in the pursuit of those things that satisfy the deepest "cries" of your soul, you may end up losing - unfulfilled. Follow your passion all of your life and you will not miss your way!


Sunday, 14 January 2018


There are times you just need to stand all alone before the mirror and ask whoever you see on the mirror some critical questions. You need to ask questions like:
~how old are you?
~what exactly have you done with your life for the years you've spent on earth?
Whatever may be the response, ensure you walk out from before the mirror more challenged to maximize the remaining part of your life. A life void of evaluation is prone to devaluation. Remember, time is ticking.


Saturday, 13 January 2018

IT'S HALF TIME!... (a special birthday message)

Peradventure you've conceded so many goals since you've been involved in the game of life and you are almost giving up or has given up already. Don't give up yet. It's still first half. It's now half time and second half is coming.
No matter how long you might have suffered delay, defeat, shame, humiliation and disappointment, still don't give up. All you've seen so far is just one side of the story. It's now time to make the other side of the story and make it sweeter.
When life hits you hard and knocks you down, pick yourself up and continue with the game anyhow. Don't be discouraged when nobody is there to pick you up, they have their own games to play and they are receiving their own blows too...lolls...yeah!
If you've been mocked, ridiculed and humiliated by prevailing circumstances, it's still's no big deal...yeah...but don't die with the shame. Go back to the same pitch where you conceded those goals, then equalize and win the game to prove to the whole world that it's not what they think. Defile all circumstances and go back to where you failed and succeed to prove to the whole world that you are too loaded to fail. Go back to where you were sold out and buy yourself back to prove again to the whole world that your destiny is not for sale.
Don't even bother to play yourself cheap just to win the approval of people who believe it's all over with you. Just withdraw to your closet and come out with something they have never seen and they will keep gazing at you expecting some more. Don't struggle to find a place among people who believe people like you cannot achieve greatness. Just do for them what they could not do for themselves and the same people who thrust you out of their midst will come back to entrust you even with their lives.
No matter how many times you missed the ball, you can still score the goal again. Just keep playing but with better strategies, skills and focus. On this note, I hereby welcome you to the second half of the game. Keep playing and ensure you win the game. Congratulations!


Friday, 12 January 2018


Possibilities and impossibilities are both products of thought. It is possible because you think so, and it is impossible because you think so. When your mind says "yes" or "no", so be it. The mind makes the difference.


Thursday, 11 January 2018


The world pays attention daily to solving problems that confront humanity. And whoever has the solution the world is looking for get the attention of the world. This year, identify a problem around you, look inwards to find out what you've got within you to solve the problem, and then strive daily to make the solution a reality. This way, you become a city that is set on a hill that cannot be hidden. You become famous and popular without paying for advertisements! Be the solution your world is looking for!



A dry land is not as limiting as a dry mind. The land will only be as productive as the mind of those that occupy it. It is the "mental nutrients" of the farmer that makes the soil nutrients relevant. Rich minds make rich lands. So, work on the mind first before you think of working on the land. Any change -either positive or negative in the fruitfulness of your mind reflects proportionately in the fruitfulness of the land you occupy. The dream has to come to pass in your mind first before it can come to pass in reality. Strive to NUORISH YOUR MIND daily because it starts there!



As you live, always recognize the fingers that fed you so you never have to bite them. Whenever you bite the fingers that feed you, the fingers will be withdrawn from your mouth and the food they carry too, leaving you stranded and hungry. Even if you have plenty of such fingers feeding you, still don't neglect any of them. It is better to have too many of them than to have too few of them because you never can tell if the demand tomorrow will place on you might be beyond what you can handle alone. Remember, it is only a "great fool" that remains "ungrateful" for even the "smallest good" done to him by others. Indeed, a life void of appreciation is prone to depreciation. Let me start by appreciating you for being part of my story in one way or the other. I'm grateful!



You may not have sophisticated weapons to fight with this year. But even if it is catapult you have, master how best to use it per time. The little you have and know how to do is all you basically need to achieve the great things you desire. Just be at your very best in doing them and you would one day become the "Master" that people would run to in that field. Mastery and expertise are keys to excellence in life.



I think I got you there...lols! You must have thought I'm talking about the "The All Progressives Congress" but not at all.
Having come a long way in life, something really has to change and change for the better and the following are keys to birth a change:
1.  A...*Attitude*: For everything you are doing, there are many people out there who are doing a similar thing. And whoever does it better, gets the bulk of the patronage. If they can get it better elsewhere they will stop coming to you. So, learn a skill and keep improving daily.
2.  P...*Practice*: The power and the relevance of knowing is in doing. Strive daily to do something worthwhile with what you've learnt so far. Be more action and result oriented.
3.  C...*Consistency*: Consistency of attempts wearies even the enemy. Those small things you can do are all you need to in order to do all the great things you hope to do someday. It's just a matter of doing the small things in a greater way every day with great attitudes. The first thing is to start doing it and the next thing is to keep doing it better until you are known for it-it becomes your brand.
I believe in you for there is GREATNESS in you!

Monday, 1 January 2018


Hurray! The long awaited year is now come with all the blessings it carries. In the spirit of the celebration, take out time to enjoy and treat yourself and others with some good, but don't be carried away. Remember, you just started another journey and your time has started counting. Get into action and pursue your dreams. Begin to sow the seeds that can produce your desired fruits both in quantity and quality. What you would make of the year is up to you and you start making it now and always. May this year be super fruitful for you!



> You saw the first day of last year (2017) and now the last, THANK GOD!
> You went through fire, yet not consumed, THANK GOD!
>You went through deep waters yet not drowned, THANK GOD!
>You were heartbroken at some points yet your pieces are still bound together, THANK GOD!
>You lost your valuables but not your life, THANK GOD!
>You were rejected but not denied the right to live, THANK GOD!
>For the things you got right, THANK GOD!
>For the things you got wrong, still THANK GOD!
>For the things you could help, THANK GOD!
>For the things you couldn't help, still THANK GOD!
>Even if you fell somewhere along the line, THANK GOD for 2018 is another year-an opportunity to rise up and fulfill your destiny.
Remember, a grateful heart does great acts! See you Greater in 2018!


END OF YEAR REFLECTIONS (A time to think back and then think forward) 6

Keeping relationships involves huge investments. By implication, keeping the wrong relationships involves making the wrong investments. You keep wasting time, emotions and much energy without maximum yield. You end up losing. You can't get to the top climbing the ladder leaning on the wrong walls of relationships.
Take time to review your spectrum of relationships this year and your dreams for next year. If the people in your life now have no bearing in your desired future, then getting there becomes illusive. It may be costly to let some people go and keep up with some persons, but you have to pay the price anyhow. Not until the wrong person leaves your life, the right things may not start happening in your life. It's time to face reality. See you greater in 2018!
