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Nelson Mandela |
These were the words of one of the most beautiful souls that ever lived on planet earth; an anti-apartheid leader and a world revolutionist, Nelson Mandela which he declared fearlessly and in the spirit of faith and national patriotism before the court where he was undergoing trials in 1966.
Indeed, the worth of a man in neither in his materialistic possessions nor his number of days on earth, but in his contribution to the betterment of humanity. It is your level of contribution to better the lot of humanity that shows you are really great or not. Some crave for opportunities and fortunes whose arrows of benefits points to themselves, always being driven to satisfy personal interests even if at the expense of others.
Nelson Mandela was a man who never subscribed to selfish ideologies that do not enhance national growth. He made contributions of both national an international relevance. He was a man who redefined the fortunes of South Africa even at the expense of his own comfort and convenience.
He lived a life that influenced his nation and by extension the whole world directionally towards achieving a democratic and a free society where equity and political fairness is upheld by all. In his life was encoded practical and simplest definition of true freedom, political harmony, national patriotism and statesmanship and true governance.
He was a black whose voice for political equity and a government that is void of racial prejudice was always undermined by the 'powers ' that be,yet,he fought with resilience, persistence, and consistency until his voice became unignorable by the domineering Whites who were so bent on being at the top while having the Blacks underfoot. Be made himself more or less a sacrificial lamb for national emancipation. He was known for his advocacy for peace and unity both at national and international levels.
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Nelson Mandela |
Nelson Mandela's life was practically a great lesson for both individual and corporate entities. Let's X-ray some of his attributes.
1- A man of Vision and purpose: Nelson Mandela was born with a burden in his mind to fight for the emancipation, South Africa.This is inconsonant with what Myles Munroe said about the purpose that" purpose is laid as the deepest desire in a man's heart"
This desire in him was noticed by his father who asked one of the community chiefs at his dying bed to raise Rolihlahla saying "I can sg from the way speaks to his sisters and friends that his inclination is to help the nation"
Every man is born with a purpose. It is in discovering the purpose for which you were born, living for it, and if need be, dying for it that makes you really great in life. Until you discover the area of life where your contribution is most needed and make your contribution there irrespective of prevailing circumstances, your existence has no meaning. What makes you relevance in life is how much you have made life better for humanity.
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2- A man of low beginning: In 1941 for example, he was compared to run from the Great Place at Mqhekezwin to Johannesburg where he served as a security officer. Also, due to lack of fund, he was forced out of the University of Witwatersrand where he was studying for an LLB.
It is, however, a proven fact that the fulfillment of your destiny is not tied to your family background, academic qualification, race or prevailing circumstances, but God's divine predestination for your life. It is not your location that determines the manifestation of the greatness in you but your divine allocation in destiny. It is not where you are born that counts but what you are born with - your innate potentials.
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3- He valued education: Knowledge is practically the driving force behind every substantial change and revolution.
When you are informed, you will be transformed. When you are transformed, you will be in form to reform the formation of your world. But when you are not informed, you would rather conform to the form of your world and consequently be deformed. And when you are deformed, you cannot perform.
You can't change what you don't know much about. He that knows the way, shows the way. Your vision for change can only be fueled and engineered into fruition by a corresponding qualitative and quantitative knowledge you have acquired in line with your calling.
Nelson Mandela appreciated the indispensability of knowledge in birthing a change, hence his undying love for education.
He completed his primary school education in Qunu, Junior secondary school education at Clarkeburry Boarding Institute and Wesleyan Secondary School at Hearld town. He completed his B.A through the University of South Africa in 1943. Despite his poor financial status, he proceeded to study for an LLB at the University of Witwatersrand although could not complete it due to financial constraints. He left the school in 1963. He later obtained the LLB through the University of South Africa.
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4- A man of love: Indeed, evil can only be conquered by good, and hate by love.
Nelson Madel loved his nation to the core hence he gave his all for the emancipation of his people. Just as Richard Back remarked, "if you love something, set it free..." Despite terrible provocations in the pursuit of freedom for his people, he never answered racism for racism. His life has been an inspiration to all are oppressed and deprived in one way or the other.
True, love precedes giving, the giving of your own portion of the contribution to humanity. You can only sacrifice to a people the extent you love them.
5- A man of Passion: Nelson Mandela was a man who was constantly driven by an undying passion. Jn his quest for freedom for his people, he suffered consequences which almost dented his hope of emancipation his nation, yet, he never gave up.
He was knocked out of school at the University of Fort Hare where he was studying for a B.A for joining in a students protest. He often opposed the racially biased governmental policies of the Whites. This yielded him many sufferings ranging from public bans to imprisonment including the 27 years behind bars. In spite of all these, he was always unwavering in his dream to free his nation.
Passion is, however, a fire within that burns you into action until the desired results are achieved. When you have a picture of something big before you, it keeps you on your feet, on the watch and on the go in pursuit of your dreams. Passion keeps you going even in the face of oppositions and challenges.
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6- A man of Consistency: Throughout his imprisonment, he had rejected at least three conditional offers of release.
Indeed, constancy to purpose ensures fulfillment. To be definite in the pursuit of purpose is to be infinite in achieving.
7- A man of persistence: Life is like the game of football where you constantly face oppositions. But your ability to carry the ball past your opponent and score the goal makes you a champion.
Every call for a change will always be greeted by the 'NO' response, but your ability to insist to persist even when life resists makes you a victor.
Nelson Mandela was fed with challenges, but persistence, resilience, and doggedness gave him undeniable conquest. He lost his father at the age of 12 in 1930. He lost his mother in 1968 and his eldest son is 1969 and was not allowed to attend their funerals.
He broke up with his first wife, Evelin Mase in 1985; his second wife, Winnie Madikizela in 1996. He had prostate surgery in 1985. He was diagnosed with Tuberculosis on 12th August 1988. Above all, he was behind the bars for 27years yet still pressed on with the fight until he conquered.
Tough times will leave you with a scar but must surely end up making you a star if you don't give up.
There is a time to be born, and a time to die and in between is the time to live. The essence is not just to live, but to live and make a difference in your world.There is something we are each born to change in the world. And your life makes no relevance if things are still the same after you are gone.
We are all well equipped with all needed potentials to fulfill our assignments on earth but this depends on our ability to maximize our innate potentials. And I leave you with this question "if living the great life you are destined to live is possible, then what's the essence of living less?"What legacy will you leave behind for your generation at the end of time? Think about it!
Be fulfilled!
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