Friday, 25 May 2018


Human relation

One of the keys to an effective and productive living is the mastery of human relationships. If you can't handle human relationships well, you cannot handle any other thing in life. You may master inventory/stock management, but not until you master human resource management, you cannot reach the peak.
 To master human relationships, you must acknowledge the fact that every human is created with a sense of uniqueness, self-worth, and self-pride. These we seek and strive to protect in every one of our dealings with people.
Our soul ends up resenting and repelling anybody that seems to predate, eat up or vandalized our feeling of importance and the craving to be appreciated. Because of how much we cherish our own opinion and views about a particular thing, we often desire the other party to listen to us, understand us, affirm us and possibly, subscribe to our own paradigm and ideologies.
We want people to just wear our own eye lenses at times and begin to see things the way we see them. And when they seem not to listen, understand and affirm us in our opinion we become resentful, repulsive and may consequently withdraw from such relationships.
If you don't acknowledge and appropriate this reality in your dealings with people, you can't really maximize relationships to fulfill your dreams.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

The Blessings and Burden of Africa: celebrating our heritage

 Please permit me to say that I'm very proud to be an African. It's really been a great privilege being a man of colour.
Despite all that has been said about Africa either in mockery or consolation; condemnation or commendation, I have no regret ever being an African. I celebrate my continent - The GREAT AFRICA. I enjoyed the treasures in our culture and heritage, from the language to the traditions to every aspect of our indigenous ways of life. You can't find such treasures elsewhere in the world.


Indeed, Africa has been a great Continent; a great People blessed with Great potentials. We have one of the richest cultures in the world.
Before the advent of colonialism, Africa has been. We've always survived on our own. For instance