Life can be very funny and unpredictable at times. There are times it may look very promising getting signals you are close to landing just to spend years more still trying to find your feet.
There are times, the more you look, the less it seems you see. The faster you think you run, the slower you go.
At some points, you may take a sigh of relief hoping the battle is over just to be faced headlong with another hard nut to crack.
It can be very humiliating at times having done all to stand, you still find yourself rolling on the ground being blown off your feet by that small "strange wind" you couldn't resist.
You started the race on a brighter note hoping for things to get better with time and over time just for things to turn out into what you don't understand anymore, and you are wondering what's going on. Friends are now foes, and it seems hell is yelling at you....the catalog of experience continues and you may add yours. But no matter how bad your experiences might have been, don't quit the game.
Don't be overwhelmed by how things have been and lose consciousness of how better things can be. No matter the number of goals you conceded in the first half of the game- the mistakes you've made, still don't give up and quit. You may leave the pitch on halftime but don't remain in the dressing room. Go back to the pitch and ensure you play and win the game.
You can still rewrite history
No matter where and how many times you got it wrong, simply discard that script containing your failures, pick a new script and start afresh but ensure history doesn't repeat itself. Even when prevailing circumstances conflict with your instincts, still be sensitive enough to follow that inner voice calling you to reach out to higher summits. Dare to go back to where you failed and succeed.When people label and stamp you as a failure, don't try to pay them back in their own coin. Instead, pay them with a better coin and that is, becoming the person they never thought you could ever be in life. This is the best revenge. Be free to remove any label placed on you that is not consistent with your original identity. Know who you are and be who you are without apology to anybody.
If they have written you off, open a new page and rewrite your story, and make it a better one. If they say you "can't" and you know within you that you "can", then prove them wrong by becoming who they never thought you could be.
Don't even expect apologies from people who looked down on you because of prevailing circumstances. Rise up from past failures and begin to stand tall and strong in life. Of they can't fund you down anymore,they will have no option than to look up for,and to you.
The challenges of going back to the pitch

I must be sincere with you here. To go back to the same pitch where you conceded those goals in the
1 - Shame: Facing the same people before whom you fail, those who witness your fall could really be very shameful. But you have to close your eyes and do the needful anyhow.
No matter their opinion about you, they will change their mind seeing that you made it against all odds.
Read also: Make a name out of the shame
In fact, it is more shameful not to attempt because of shame than to face the shame and succeed.
Even if it is true you made the mistake, that does not make you a mistake. So don't remain with the mistake. Change it. Correct it. Never mind what people will say because they must surely have something to say, and they are entitled to their opinion. Their opinion could only stand if you cannot prove them wrong by becoming who they never thought you could be in life.
Never mind those who you started with but has gone far ahead of you. Your journey as well as your set of circumstances are not the same,remember. If it will take you to start playing on the same pitch with those who are supposed to look up to you as as a coach, please do. The most important thing is scoring your life goals and winning the game even if it is behind the earlier envisaged timing.
2- Pride: When you fall especially as somebody who people used to look up to in some specific areas, rising up again may become very difilficult.
It may require you to start afresh, at times, on a low key. And it will take absolute humility to accept your fate and face reality. It will require self-humility to start crawling all over again until your bones are strong enough to stand up and then start walking and running.
People remain so helpless after some ugly experiences not because there is nobody to rescue them, but because they find it difficult to reach out to people who could considering the height they fell from. They may begin to reason within themselve - "how could i be asking for such help at this stage of my life.
3- The fear of failing again: Indeed there are some things you never expected that may happen and they could leave you in such a great shock that itvcould be very difficult to recover from. The memories of the ugly incidence may keep ringing in your ears that you begin to feel attempting again is an invitation for another bad omen. You may become tied down with fear always doubting your chances of making it again.
Although, it is human to feel this way, but you have to dare to attempt even while that voice of fear and doubt keeps speaking in your head.
The most courageous men in this world are not those without fear, but those who are moved into action against their fears.
In life, you don't only learn success from success stories alone. You can also learn success from past failures. From the things that didn't work, you can learn the things that would work.
Most of the major breakthroughs that has been made in human history didn't happen on first attempt. They came after so many failed attempts.
It is not having failed attempts that makes you a failure. It is not making another attempt to succeed that makes you a failure.
4- Impatience: You see, it can really be very difficult to attempt again when you look at the time it will take you to start building up again especially knowing fully well that age is no longer on your side. But you have to take your eyes off the clock and focus it on the road ahead.
At times, it is better late than never. Also, note that you are old as you think. You are never too old to start all over again even after missing it severally. It is more heroic for death to meet you in the process of trying to rise up than to meet you on the ground where you fell. So, take the journey a step at a time.
More so, it can even become more frustrating and discouraging having started, things are not working as you anticipated. But what do you do then? Fold up and quit? Not at all. You have to keep pressing until you breakthrough.
Read also: Success visa: working/walking your way to success
Keys to win the game
Having been challenged to go back to where you failed and succeed, and enlightened on the challenges you may face while doing so, you still need to take note of the following keys as you go back:
1- A winning mentality: You must develop the winning mentality if you must survive it again.
The major battles of life are won first, in the mind.
Don't see it as a "trial by error" thing. Tell your mind loud and clear enough that it is either you succeed or you succeed and your mind would agree with you. And if your mind agrees with you, situations will also agree with you even if it is not immediately and in an easy way.
You need to program your mind never to accept defeat even when there are no visible signs of victory ahead.
2- Know why you missed it previously: If you don't know why you fell, chances are it that you may fall again perhaps in a greater way.
Find out why the marriage has not been working; why the business is not growing; why people keep turning you down, why that ugly incidence keep occurring.
3- Change your game plan: You can't play the game the same way you've been playing it and expect a different result.
You have to up your game. If you've been sitting down in one place that's why you failed, now stand up. If you've been standing but in one place that's why you failed, now start running. If running is not taking you closer to your destination quickly enough, then fly. And if still, flying is not enough, then begin to soar. Anyhow, just do everything to keep going. You have to keep making changes until you see the change you desire. Check and change your company as necessary. Also, work to improve on your skills.
4- Be patient: As you start again, don't expect too much from yourself per time. Please take it easy. Slow and steady they say, win the race.
You may peradventure make some mistakes again along the line, but don't get frustrated that it's never going to work. Just learn from it and carry on while you strive to minimize mistakes as you go on.
Always appreciate yourself for every bit of progress you've made. It will help you to do more. Ensure to maintain a high level of love and enthusiasm towards what you are doing. Always tarry longer. Don't wash your nets and quit fishing in the middle of the night. Tarry till morning because the great catch you couldn't get in the night could just come in the morning.
Now, the utmost cry of my heart is to see you fulfilling destiny against all odds. So, don't give up, instead stand up and take action now.
No matter how rough it has been before now, it is still half time. Second half is still coming.You can still make it because YOU ARE TOO LOADED TO FAIL!
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