Thursday, 19 April 2018

Managing your Emotions

Managing your emotions
As we live daily and pursue our dreams, we are always involved in one form of relationship or the other.  It could be marital, business, friendship or othe
Of course, you know that building sustainable relationship involves a lot of investment especially emotions and time.
By virtue of what and how much we invest in those relationships, we do expect something in return even when we seem not to be aware or conscious of it. Deep within our inner being, it is there.
We do expect to be treated with respect, dignity, love, and understanding. We expect to be listened to, understood and sometimes, obeyed and a submitted. At times, we expect to have our way on issues when there are conflicts of opinions and interests.
Indeed, every human being has self-pride. In lieu of this, we expect to be honored and cell rated when and where it matters. We do desire some sincere compliments and appreciation whenever we make a good point. At other times, we desire unreserved apologies from people who wronged us.

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Nigeria after Independence: which way my people

Nigeria, Oh Nigeria! I love my fatherland. What a land so blessed diversely.
Over the years, Nigeria has really come a long way. We've been through different types of circumstances, yet, we are still together. We've tasted different types of leadership under different atmospheres.
Long ago, we were on our own living the best way we know how to. After some time, we came under colonial rulership that lasted for decades. Having seen all they had to offer us, we agitated for independence which was granted though not without a fight. Since independence, a lot has really unfolded.
Looking back at the years gone by, much has really be done, yet, here we are. We have taken so many steps forward, yet, here we are. Different regimes have come and gone who promised to take us to the place our founding father foresaw, yet, here we are. Different paradigms have been tried in all spheres, still, here we are. But don't you think we need to sit down and ask ourselves some critical questions?
Our founding fathers had to put their lives on the line to fight for independence because they foresaw a greener earth for Nigeria being under our own government. But looking back at the years gone by, what testimony have we got? Is this the future our founding fathers foresaw that motivated them to stake their lives to fight for us to lead ourselves?

Monday, 16 April 2018

Handling Disappointments in Relationships

We go into different relationships from time to time for one purpose or the other. Depending on what and who is involved in the relationship and the circumstances surrounding it, we are exposed to different kinds of experiences both the ones we anticipated and the ones we do not. These experiences impact us differently too.

True, establishing and maintaining good relationships involves huge investments especially the investment of time and emotions aside many other things. At times, you may put in so much into the relationship expecting much from it, but all you could get is pains, disappointment, heartbreak, betrayals even from those you trusted with the whole of your heart. It may become difficult to trust and open your heart to people as a result. This is a foundational premise for the "TRUST - NOBODY" paradigm. But the question is,

Saturday, 14 April 2018

Legacy: An X-ray of Nelson Mandela's life

Nelson Mandela
"I have fought against White domination, and I have fought against Black domination. I have cherished the idea of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an idea which I hope to live for and achieve. But if need be, it is an idea in which I'm prepared to die"

These were the words of one of the most beautiful souls that ever lived on planet earth; an anti-apartheid leader and a world revolutionist, Nelson Mandela which he declared fearlessly and in the spirit of faith and national patriotism before the court where he was undergoing trials in 1966.

Indeed, the worth of a man in neither in his materialistic possessions nor his number of days on earth, but in his contribution to the betterment of humanity. It is your level of contribution to better the lot of humanity that shows you are really great or not. Some crave for opportunities and fortunes whose arrows of benefits points to themselves, always being driven to satisfy personal interests even if at the expense of others.