Sunday 25 March 2018


....Continued from Part 2...
Who do you need in your life?
You don't necessarily need everybody, but you need someone;
1.     People who understand and accept you for who you are. Those who celebrate, build on your strength and cover up for your weaknesses. You need people that see your weak spots as opportunities for mutually benefitting investments and not people who would take advantage of your weaknesses for their selfish interests.
2.     People who are patriotic in their thinking, who judge and rate you by what you are born with and not who gave birth to you or where and when you are born.
3.     People who believe in you beyond prevailing circumstances.

4.     People who have what you need, those who can be a blessing to you in certain ways using their innate abilities. Those who would complement and complete you with their strengths.

Read also: You need people!(Part 1)

5.     People who need what you have, who you can be a blessing to in certain ways using your innate abilities.
6.     People who could tell you what you need to hear and not just what you want to hear. These are people who are bold enough to confront you with the "bitter" truth you need to achieve greatness. Note that when you are only surrounded by people who always agree with and approve every one of your moves, desires, ideas and opinions, then your fall is imminent.
7- The company of highfliers: When you are surrounded by high fliers and high achievers,you would one day become one.

Read also: Think Big!(Part Four)
8- Those who would be there for you even when it is not convenient and when you are not there.
9. those who are too busy for empty gossips anbackbitingng. If you join them to put others down, one day, they will join other people too to put you down when. Remember, what goes around, comes around.

Read also: You need people!(Part 2)

In life, until you part ways with the wrong people, the right things cannot come your way. Be fulfilled!

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