Wednesday, 7 March 2018


More on steps to self-actualization: (continued from Part One)
1.  Document the picture of the future you have sculptured in your mind. Try to print out the mental picture physically using pictures, graphic illustrations and words that correctly portray the exact image of the future you have created. Be very detailed, simple, specific and realistic in doing this. Keep these information before you all the time in parchments, diaries, wall frames, as wallpapers and screensavers on phones and computers and any other form as applicable.

2.  Self-Pruning and Self-discipline: For everything you are destined to be, there is a process of becoming and you are not until you become. The shape of the flower in the garden has to be maintained in order for it to maintain a consistent beauty to serve its purpose. And this requires constant trimming - getting rid of all excess growing parts. There are sacrifices to make, some things to let go and some to embrace. There are some attitudes to unlearn and there are some to learn.  Having visualized the future you desire to feature, you must find out the things you must do and the things you must not do. Thereafter, strive to make your life congruent with this written script. Anything that should not be found in the person you want to become in the future should not be found in you now. Redefine your values and ensure to integrate them into your daily living. Even if you are not it yet, you need to start living it now to become it in time coming. Don't just feel when the time comes you would know what to do because you may not. You don't rehearse on stage, do all your rehearsals behind the scene and master it before coming up on stage. This is the only way you can perform well. Try to visualize the kind of circumstances you would most likely find yourself as you grow and start living in the reality of those circumstances. Even if they don't exist, create them and live in them. Try to zoom the future and bring it closer. Live the future before it eventually comes and when it comes, it will not be too different from the way you planned it.
3.  Confess it: To actualize you dreams, you need to consciously and constantly call forth those things that be not as though they were. You have to ignore the discouragement of where you are now and live by the faith of where you are going. Let your language - both body and verbal languages be congruent with where you desire to be and not where you are now. Never say anything that contradicts and contravenes your dreams. Speak your dreams, live your dreams and you will someday become your dreams.

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