Saturday, 10 March 2018


V - Vision
I - Initiative
S - Sacrifice
A – Attitude

I - INITIATIVE: Discovering and defining your vision is not success yet. You have to begin to live the vision every day and for the rest of your life. You must strive to initiate that plan you have on your head. You need to start something irrespective of prevailing circumstances. Don't complain things are not good that's why you couldn't do anything. Do something instead and make things good, better until they are best.

 Please note that imagination and reality are two different words entirely. You may work out everything on your head and on paper, but trying to execute your plans may come with a lot of confusions and discouragement. If care is not taken, your vision may begin to fade away. But you have to task your brain until it gives you what you want.
At times, even trying to think out a way out of confusion brings you into more confusion. But anyhow, you have to forge ahead and birth your vision.
To really succeed, you must be proactive. While some are still at home watching the weather, others are already in the field planting seeds. What makes the difference? Bravery and proactiveness. The brave and the proactive ones defile all odds to sow bountifully whether under the rain or the sun while the lazy ones are still taking shelter in their comfort zones complaining of the weather being too unbearable for them to go to the field. And do you know what the outcome would be? While they are still standing where they are, they will see those that went under the rain and the sun to labor in the field coming back with a great harvest. And do you know what would happen next? They will have no option than to buy what they could have produced themselves. Indeed, bravery is the cure for slavery.
All along in the pursuit of your vision always dare to try something new. Don't be too used to how it has been - tradition, and lose touch with how better it could be - innovation. Trying something new will surely come with risks and pains, but don't be afraid, it will not kill you. From the things that have worked, you can learn the things that can work better. In fact, tradition and innovation must not be sacrificed for each other in the pursuit of success. Start something and now. Be fulfilled!
(To be continued)

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