Saturday, 17 March 2018


Continued from Part Nine....
3.   The Attitude of Faith and Perseverance: Indeed, greatness comes with a lot of challenges and confrontations. There are a lot of battles you fight even when you don't expect to fight. You even fight with yourself at times. You struggle with some attitudes, weaknesses, addictions, obsessions and proclivities. At times you struggle between various options to make sensitive decisions. There are times you may need to step out of your comfort zone when you are not even too sure of survival in the new jungle you are stepping into.
      There are times you may need to establish relationships, make deals with humans who can fail any time. Since you would always need somebody to talk to in order to help yourself in the time of emotional storms, you may tell your story into the wrong ear and received in the wrong heart full of mischief. You take so many risks at times even when there are chances of it not working out positively. You see, everything you envisioned is only potential; it has not come to pass yet. 
            The road is full of many uncertainties and it takes great faith so go through it and succeed. You must see the invisible and believe the impossible. You have to keep moving even when your final destination is not in view. The picture of the future you want to feature, that you've created in your mind should be more real to you than prevailing circumstances.
There are times you find yourself in situations that look like the whole world is crashing down on you; your dreams looking shattered and you look so divided within you. It requires great faith then to go through the gloom and still succeed.
True, it takes faith to persevere and it takes perseverance to prove your faith. You persevere the extent you have the faith that the lines must surely fall in pleasant places for you even when things fall apart now.
Faith soothes your pains when the road is not smooth. By faith, you would always insist to persist even when circumstances resist.
More so, offences and hurts would come on the way even from the people you least expected and it takes great faith to let go and still love them to the extent of having anything serious to do with them. In fact, without faith, you will fail. Be fulfilled!
Thanks for reading to the end!

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