Thursday, 1 March 2018

THINK BIG! (Part Six)

 More on How to start:

4.  Documentation: It is not enough to set goals and make plans; you need to document them properly with all details. Don't just keep your goals and your plans in your head because you will forget them either in part, or in whole. Good documentation practices helps in monitoring, evaluation and follow up. It reminds you of the task ahead thereby keeping you always on your toe and on the watch. It also keeps you focused.
5.  Action orientation: Dreams don't have feathers to fly from the realms of imagination to the real or material world. They only anchor on the wings of prompt actions and proactive efforts of the visioneer. Remember you will always have enough reasons why it is not convenient to act promptly. Note that every bit of unnecessary excuse you give for not acting on your plans postpones the fulfillment of that dream by the same bit. Be disciplined enough not to accept any excuse for delaying your dreams as those that have succeeded must have experienced similar circumstances, yet, they still succeeded.
6.  Time consciousness: Every worthwhile goal must be time bound. Note that prime men are always timed. The pursuits of goals not timed looks vague and may be plagued with incessant procrastination. And this would in no distant time become a cemetery where preconceived dreams are buried. Always work with time, in time and on time. Do not wait to do tomorrow what you should and could do today as tomorrow has its own responsibilities and may never be convenient.
7.  Constant evaluation: In reality most time, results may not conform to plans and expectations. To this end, you need to constantly appraise, review and evaluate your goals, plans and lines of action and make amends when and where necessary. Be critical, realistic and sincere in doing this. Allowing sentiments could sabotage your dreams.
8.  Sensitivity: Each day that comes places new demands on us. Trends may change, needs may differ per time but the principles behind them all remains relatively the same. Having this foreknowledge will help you to be more sensitive to the present and future needs of your target audience, the changing trends in the society and how these affect your dreams. This is the key for utilizing all opportunities for growth and expansion around us.
9.  The winning mentality: Starting small in the pursuit of bigger dreams could be very demanding and scarring at times especially when you look at how small your present size is compared to the bigger size of the overall dream. But you have to win the battle in your mind first, before you can ever win it in reality. Remember, success and failures are both choices. Anyone you chose is your portion.
Above all, start with God, continue with God so that you can end in God.

(To be continued)


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