Now, having thought through and structured your dreams, the next thing is to start pursuing them. At times, it may require you to start small. Some people could really detest starting small. But it is worthy of mention that starting small is not mediocrity, it is continuing and ending small that makes it so. Please note that any road that leads "there" starts from "here (where you are and what makes the difference is "TIME”). So, it may only take time but you must surely get there with time even if you started very small. If you cannot survive the "down" then forget about the "up". Many small bricks laid on each other with purpose and consistency eventually makes a whole building.
Some people fail in life not for lack of dreams, but because they have no idea how to go about achieving them. And one of the factors is the desire to wait until there is more money, more people, more time etc. to start. They would keep waiting while their dreams are wasting in frustration. To succeed, you have to be realistic. What you have would either be enough or not depending on your thinking. Remember that great men don't get there to start, they start to get there.
1. Start with the end in mind: Create a big picture of your ultimate goal and let this be the end towards which all your daily pursuits are directed. Dreaming big while taking small steps to achieve them is the key to greatness.
2. Divide the overall vision into short term, medium term and long term goals. Your short term goals should be such that can be funded with your present capital. If your short term goals are pragmatic and well-articulated enough, then achieving your medium and long term goals becomes feasible.
3. Plan well: It is true as it is popularly said that you plan to fail when you fail to plan. A plan is however a skeletal framework along which the pursuits of a goal is directed, pointing from the present to the future in all its likelihood. If you can get it right at this juncture, then you are good to go.
4. Having set your goals, you now need to arrange them in sequence. Know what should come first and what should follow and in action, do first things first. Your plans and actions should however combine dynamism with pragmatism.
(To be continued)
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