Saturday, 24 February 2018

THINK BIG (Part One)

"As a man thinket in his heart, so is he..."
This is a fundamental truth that cannot be gainsaid in the pursuit of greatness. The whole destiny of man is influenced by several working principles and chief of these is the principle of THINKING.
Life is such that the result in your hand today has been in your heart since yesterday either knowingly or unknowingly. There is nothing achieved in this world that was never conceived afore time. However, it is not enough just to think; thinking big is a more profitable venture.
The size of your thinking determines the size of your expectations, your pursuits and hence your achievements. You cannot achieve more and better than you think. Anything the mind cannot bear, the hand cannot carry. It is not the size of your pocket that determines the speed of your "destiny rocket" but the mind. Highflying "destiny rockets" are products of highflying minds. Until you fly high in your thinking, you cannot escape sinking in the ocean of mediocrity.
 Indeed, the greatest limitation of mankind is that of the mind. When you are limited in your mind, you become crippled and may craw for life. The size of your mind sets the boundaries of your territory in life. The day you expand your mind, your present abode will become too small for you and you will be prompted to move out of your comfort zone reaching out to higher summits.
God has provided us with all resources needed for an impactful living, but the volume you possess is the one your mind can accommodate. If you can see more in your mind, then you can seize more with your hand. The road of destiny is unending and forever advancing. The farther you see down the road, the further and farther you go.
The major difference between the great and the small is in the productivity of their mind. The Great see further possibilities in all they do. This keeps them always in search for the better thus earning excellence without end. And let me remind you at this juncture that whenever you stop receiving, life has not stopped supplying. You only stopped seeing so that even on further supply, you will not know.
(To be continued)

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