Why you should dream big: Dreaming big especially within worthwhile life principles is not pride nor greed but a way of life of the great. Dream big because;
1. Your God is big and with Him nothing shall be impossible.
2. You deserve more: God created you so special and has endowed you with potentials for unlimited greatness. You have every right to place higher demands on life and life will offer you what you demanded so long you are ready to pay the price. So, confining yourself to what prevailing circumstances will ordinarily allow is the height of self-shortchanging and self-deprivation.
3. It doesn't take more time to achieve bigger dreams. If you look around and you are sincere with yourself, you will see some of your age mates who have achieved greater fortunes than you not necessarily because of the advantage of good family background, but a maximum and timely utilization of their innate potentials. It doesn't necessarily take a longer life span to achieve bigger dreams. In fact, the pursuit of bigger dreams gives you more reasons and hope of staying alive longer. Self-actualization and self-fulfillment are highly rewarding. It is indeed very pleasurable seeing yourself achieving extraordinary strides. The same energy it will take to cook up a small idea is what it will relatively take to cook up a bigger one. Some lived longed yet achieved less, while some lived just for a few years yet left indelible mark in the sand of history. It is not how long you lived but how well you lived. Dreaming big is not a matter of age. The most important thing is responding promptly to the voice of destiny calling you to reach out to higher victories.
Every potential in us has a programmed time for manifestation. The whole bulk of our innate potentials are scheduled to be unpacked gradually at the different stages of our lives. But for this to happen, we must consciously challenge the "sleeping giant" in us to wake up. We must keep stretching ourselves until we are fully stretched.
(To be continued)
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