Life can be very funny and unpredictable at times. There are times it may look very promising getting signals you are close to landing just to spend years more still trying to find your feet. There are times, the more you look, the less it seems you see. The faster you think you run, the slower you go. At some points, you may take a sigh of relief hoping the battle is over just to be faced headlong with another hard nut to crack. It can be very humiliating at times having done all to stand, you still find yourself rolling on the ground being blown off your feet by that small "strange wind" you couldn't resist. You started the race on a brighter note hoping for things to get better with time and over time just for things to turn out into what you don't understand anymore and you are wondering what's going on. Friends are now foes, and it seems hell is yelling at you....the catalog of experience continues and you may add yours. But no matter how bad your experiences might have been, don't quit the game.
Don't be overwhelmed by how things have been and lose consciousness of how better things can be. No matter the number of goals you conceded in the first half of the game- the mistakes you've made, still don't give up and quit. You may leave the pitch on halftime but don't remain in the dressing room. Go back to the pitch and ensure you play and win the game.
No matter where and how many times you got it wrong, simply discard that script containing your failures, pick a new script and start afresh but ensure history doesn't repeat itself. Even when prevailing circumstances conflict with your instincts, still be sensitive enough to follow that inner voice calling you to reach out to higher summits. Dare to go back to where you failed and succeed.
When people label and stamp you as a failure, don't try to pay them back in their own coin. Instead, pay them with a better coin and that is becoming the person they never thought you could ever be in life. This is the best revenge. Be free to remove any label placed on you that is not consistent with your original identity. Know who you are and be who you are without apology to anybody. If they have written you off, open a new page and rewrite your story, and make it better.
(To be continued...)
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