Saturday, 17 February 2018


     Hey..., you have a message! 
Most times, our phones and systems do give us signals whenever we have a message either as text, mail or any other. To know the content of the message, you must care enough to open and read the message.
You see, every situation we go through in life remind us of the message we are born to deliver to our generation. They tell us the purpose we are born to fulfill. To a large extent, what we suffer in life is a reflection of what we are born to offer to our generation. Most of the remarkable things we experience as humans whether positive or negative are being attracted by what we carry within us and the essence is to point us to the glorious destiny we carry. Like in the game of football, all attention is always on the player with the ball at any particular time. So, the several attacks you've suffered in life affirm the fact that you carry something big within you. If you were not important in destiny, you wouldn't have suffered those things.
       There are times our experiences may conflict and contradict what we carry. You could feel the heavy weight of great potentials within you, yet all around you is mediocrity. At times, you could hear a voice speaking from within you telling you, "you can make it"; you could feel an upsurge of strength within, yet you find yourself in such a helpless and weak circumstance. But which one will you believe? The voice of prevailing circumstances or the voice of destiny calling from within?
True, life presents us daily with opportunities to live our greatest self, but these come in the disguise of hardship, problems and all kinds of negative circumstances around us. Maximizing your potentials therefore involves identifying a problem around you, looking inwards to discover what you've got within you to meet the need and then beginning to take small steps daily to make it a reality. The challenge could be something that has been that ought not to be, or something that has not been that ought to be. 
To succeed in life, you have to look beyond what is ordinarily visible to see the great opportunities for advancement carried in the womb of prevailing circumstances. You may be born to bring hope and restoration to your world, yet everything around your life looks so hopeless and helpless and it seems you are a born loser. You may be born with a message of love, yet it's all hostilities around you - no one cares about you and it seems you are just on your own in the wilderness of life. Just imagine the one destined to help people in more need of help than the people! Think of the deliverer in bigger chains than those he is born to deliver! You see issues around you that are very touchy and you are moved with compassion to respond, but the means is not there - your pocket is dry, you can't even feed yourself either spiritually, physically or mentally not to talk of feeding others.
Now, whatever you might have gone through in life, don't give up. it's only telling you, 'you have a message' and guess what the message is..."you carry greatness within you", "you are not a failure", "you are a champion, a hero, a trailblazer, a pacesetter, a world changer..."
There is something in you that is more important than what you are going through. It is called "greatness" and this must not be sacrificed on the altar of prevailing circumstances. So, dare to take advantage of every situation you find yourself to live your greatest self. Again, YOU HAVE A MESSAGE!

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