Wednesday, 1 August 2018


I think I got you there...lols! 
You must have thought I'm talking about the "The All Progressives Congress" in Nigeria, but not at all.
Having come a long way in life, something really has to change and change for the better and the following are keys to birth a change:
1.  A...Attitude: For everything you are doing, there are many people out

Saturday, 28 July 2018

Vengeance, a wild fire!

In as much as we can't avoid dealing with human beings, we can't avoid offences. They must surely come. And how you handle them when they come determines what becomes of you at the end of time.
 If you must maximize the blessedness and resourcefulness of human relationships, then you must be  able to develop the capacity to handle offences.
The first key to handle offences is not to try to stop them

Thursday, 26 July 2018


Everyman was created in God’s image and likeness with a touch of uniqueness and blessed with diverse potentials. Nobody was created inferior by God. Every man is equal before God having equal opportunities although with varying abilities according to the divine assignment a man is born to accomplish on earth.

Man was made a king to reign on earth (Rev 5:10). A man’s kingdom however (your area of calling) may vary from the next man’s in terms of size and resoures. But no matter the size and location of a man’s kingdom, he is not in any way inferior to anybody.
What commands respect to a king primarily is not the size of his kingdom but the crown upon his head. God has crowned us kings hence nobody should be looked down upon because of prevailing circumstances.

No man is born empty. Everyman carries enviable potentials and abilities inherent in him. Everyman carries a seed of greatness in him. The worth o f a man is not measured by his present circumstances or fate but by the beauty of the hidden treasures in him. A man ought not to be judged by where and when he was born or who gave birth to him but by what he was born with. Some were born in obscurity yet carries the key to the security of their nation.

We are in a society where people are rated by their colour, family background and material worth but this is faulty. No man is useless since everyman carries useful potentials in him.
In life, it is not your genetics (height, color etc) that counts but your genesis- where you can came from. You came from God. Again, it is not who gave birth to a man that counts or where he was born,but what he was born with - his innate potentials.

Read also: Go back to the pitch: keys for overcoming life challenges

Do not look down on yourself!
In life, your opinion and confession about yourself goes a long way in influencing your destiny. A positive (and stable) opinion about yourself attracts positive results. Your life begins to sink when you think that you stink because of tattered life has made you look like. So long your dreams are not shattered yet,you still have a place in destiny.

At times situations of life may make you doubt your chances of manifesting destiny. But the fact still remains “YOU ARE THE BEST OF YOUR KIND! Do not allow the venom of people’s negative opinions about you poison your self esteem. And do not be embittered against them either. They are entitled to their opinions. Just discover and be who you are and owe no man apology.

Do not look down on people
There is no justifiable reason to look down on people. Whenever you look down on somebody, be reminded that you are looking down on God indirectly because that person is God’s image. Dare to love and respect people for who they are and not who you want them to be.If you could mock people because of a clause on them,be reminded that you also have at least one of those clauses on you. So,be humble and learn to respect people irrespective of prevailing circumstances.

Some minors that did major things
History  has countless number of people who though were despised by men in one area or the other because of prevailing circumstances, but their contribution to humanity is resounding and un-ignorable.

Jephthah was despised by his brethren but became their hero at the end (Judges 11) . It is not how, where, when you were born and who gave birth to you that matters but what you are born with. Gideon (Judges 6) who felt limited and incapable of delivering his nation from their enemies because of his family background hid himself behind the winepress. But he ended up defeating the 55 thousand soldiers of the Midianite with just 300 soldiers.

The “majority” are not always people born into the biggest families but those that have made the biggest contribution to humanity. Men like Thomas Edison, Andrew Carnegie, Abraham Lincoln etc. all had a humble beginning but the impact of these men is immeasurable.

Your predicament is not an excuse for failure. Demosthenes was a stammerer   yet became the greatest orator of ancient world. Julius Caesar was an epileptic. Helen Keller was blind; Homer Beethoven was deaf; Charles Dickens was lame; so was Handel. Plato was a hunchback yet all of them have their names bodly and indelibly written in the sand of history through the unmatched fits of victories they won for humanity. In fact,  THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR FAILURE!
Irrespective of your condition, there is still something you can do for humanity. Know that even the smallest potential when discovered and put to work subdues even the biggest obstacle.

Read also: Success visa: working/walking your way to success

Some secrets of these “Great minors”

While some people lose their chances of success to prevailing circumstances, others use their conditions  as a motivation to attain excellence.

1. Vision: Men of vision has always made the world better.  Your usefulness in life is tied to your contribution to humanity.  When you discover what  you are  born to do irrespective of where and how you were born and fulfil it using all you ‘ve got, you inevitably become a majority that the whole world will identify with. Men may look down on you because of your foundation but will always look up to you for the fruit of your vision.

2. Information: “What ye know, the same do I know also. I am not inferior unto you” (Job 13:2).

Inferiority complex is always birthed in ignorance – ignorance of who you are. Job was a man that suffered unquantifiable afflictions but never felt worthless before his fellows who often came around to practically mock him because he knows what they know. It is what you know that others don’t know that places you ahead of them. Anybody that is better than you simply knows and does something you don’t know and do yet. You will always be as far ahead or behind others the extent you know.

One of the greatest limitations in life is ignorance of the things you already have. Having something without knowing it is suicidal and self shortchanging.

God has given you all you need to succeed (Eph 1:3, 2Pet 1:3) irrespective of your background but ignorance may keep them under the veil forever.

When you are informed, you will be transformed. When you are transformed, you will be in-form to reform the form of your world. But when you are not informed, you will be conformed to the form of your world and consequently be deformed. And when you are deformed, you cannot perform.

3. Courage: it takes courage to come out of your comfort zone ingnoring all shame and bitterness generated by prevailing circumstances to pursue excellence. Without courage, you cannot make any adventure. Fear sees obstacles and say “it’s a no go area”. But courage sees even bigger obstacles and say “it’s a now go area”.

Finally the life of Christ is the life of endless possibilities (Luke 1:37). And if living the great life you are destined to live is possible, then what is the essence of living less? SHALOM!


Thursday, 14 June 2018

Go back to the pitch: keys for overcoming life failures

 Life can be very funny and unpredictable at times. There are times it may look very promising getting signals you are close to landing just to spend years more still trying to find your feet.
There are times, the more you look, the less it seems you see. The faster you think you run, the slower you go.
 At some points, you may take a sigh of relief hoping the battle is over just to be faced headlong with another hard nut to crack.

It can be very humiliating at times having done all to stand, you still find yourself rolling on the ground being blown off your feet by that small "strange wind" you couldn't resist.
You started the race on a brighter note hoping for things to get better with time and over time just for things to turn out into what you don't understand anymore, and you are wondering what's going on. Friends are now foes, and it seems hell is yelling at you....the catalog of experience continues and you may add yours. But no matter how bad your experiences might have been, don't quit the game.
Don't be overwhelmed by how things have been and lose consciousness of how better things can be. No matter the number of goals you conceded in the first half of the game- the mistakes you've made, still don't give up and quit. You may leave the pitch on halftime but don't remain in the dressing room. Go back to the pitch and ensure you play and win the game.

Saturday, 9 June 2018

Cruised and Bruised: overcoming relationship heartbreaks

Being Cruised
There comes a time in one's life when the need or rather the desire to go into relationship with the opposite sex becomes obvious. This desire do come s
pontaneously as one come of age. It is deeply rooted in our being.
 This desire is however controlled and influenced by both hormonal forces in us as well as the set of experiences we've been exposed to  as we grow up. The desire comes gradually and maybe fanned into flame uncontrollably if care is not taken.
Of a truth, if you've tasted relationship before, you can tell that it can be so dicey at times. It is full of mirage and surprises.
Many people because of their nature and prevailing circumstances could trust so easily and wholeheartedly and more often than not, they are always taken for granted by people who try to play it smart on them.

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Dad and Mum killed me: a word for Parents and children.

Child in a confused state
We have come to a stage where the tension of growing up is on the increase. You look around and you see pressure everywhere. People battling with one frustration or the other.
Nothing can be as frustrating as finding yourself in the midst of stormy wind all blowing against you and those who are supposed to rescue you are not there for you,perhaps, battling with their own storms too.
You see, each time I look at the younger generation, my heart bleeds. Seeing those in whose hands the future lies dealing with life with slacked and weakened hands leaves me with so much fear. Supposing it is just their hands that are weakened, it would have been better. Their hearts and heads are also weak.
You see youth already in their teens, twenties and thirties still looking confused and highly incapacitated. No sense of direction. Moral decadence among other social vices  is gaining an alarming proportion.
 A lot of them don't even know what they want in life and some that seem to know don't know how to go about pursuing and achieving them. It's really worrisome.
While we are still trying to curb a particular menace in the society, another shows up and many have given up in so many ways. Parents who expected so much from their children feeling so disappointed, and children too,feel disappointed in d their parents who couldn't live up to expectation.

Friday, 1 June 2018

SUCCESS VISA: walking/working your way to success

Nobody is born a success or a failure, we all live to be either successful or as a failure depending on how we lived our lives. Everybody is born with all needed potentials to live a fulfilled life but how much of these potentials we discover and maximized determines how successful and fulfilled we become.
Success and failure are not functions of our background in the real sense, but how well we've discovered and developed ourselves to maximize opportunities for growth around us.
While some are busy fighting for American Visa and Visas to other foreign countries to go in search of greener pastures as an escape from the circumstances that seem not to be favorable to them where they have been,, others are busy making fortunes out of those same circumstances in the same land.
Well, it is not out of place to travel abroad in search of a better life, but it will be highly self-misleading and shortchanging if you go abroad in search of what you have onboard in your present abode.
If by all standard your vision is not workable where you are owing to the scarcity of resources both human and non-human and which cannot be sourced where you are. And if your supposed target audience (the people who are to benefit from your vision) are not around you, then launching out becomes rational.

Friday, 25 May 2018


Human relation

One of the keys to an effective and productive living is the mastery of human relationships. If you can't handle human relationships well, you cannot handle any other thing in life. You may master inventory/stock management, but not until you master human resource management, you cannot reach the peak.
 To master human relationships, you must acknowledge the fact that every human is created with a sense of uniqueness, self-worth, and self-pride. These we seek and strive to protect in every one of our dealings with people.
Our soul ends up resenting and repelling anybody that seems to predate, eat up or vandalized our feeling of importance and the craving to be appreciated. Because of how much we cherish our own opinion and views about a particular thing, we often desire the other party to listen to us, understand us, affirm us and possibly, subscribe to our own paradigm and ideologies.
We want people to just wear our own eye lenses at times and begin to see things the way we see them. And when they seem not to listen, understand and affirm us in our opinion we become resentful, repulsive and may consequently withdraw from such relationships.
If you don't acknowledge and appropriate this reality in your dealings with people, you can't really maximize relationships to fulfill your dreams.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

The Blessings and Burden of Africa: celebrating our heritage

 Please permit me to say that I'm very proud to be an African. It's really been a great privilege being a man of colour.
Despite all that has been said about Africa either in mockery or consolation; condemnation or commendation, I have no regret ever being an African. I celebrate my continent - The GREAT AFRICA. I enjoyed the treasures in our culture and heritage, from the language to the traditions to every aspect of our indigenous ways of life. You can't find such treasures elsewhere in the world.


Indeed, Africa has been a great Continent; a great People blessed with Great potentials. We have one of the richest cultures in the world.
Before the advent of colonialism, Africa has been. We've always survived on our own. For instance

Thursday, 19 April 2018

Managing your Emotions

Managing your emotions
As we live daily and pursue our dreams, we are always involved in one form of relationship or the other.  It could be marital, business, friendship or othe
Of course, you know that building sustainable relationship involves a lot of investment especially emotions and time.
By virtue of what and how much we invest in those relationships, we do expect something in return even when we seem not to be aware or conscious of it. Deep within our inner being, it is there.
We do expect to be treated with respect, dignity, love, and understanding. We expect to be listened to, understood and sometimes, obeyed and a submitted. At times, we expect to have our way on issues when there are conflicts of opinions and interests.
Indeed, every human being has self-pride. In lieu of this, we expect to be honored and cell rated when and where it matters. We do desire some sincere compliments and appreciation whenever we make a good point. At other times, we desire unreserved apologies from people who wronged us.

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Nigeria after Independence: which way my people

Nigeria, Oh Nigeria! I love my fatherland. What a land so blessed diversely.
Over the years, Nigeria has really come a long way. We've been through different types of circumstances, yet, we are still together. We've tasted different types of leadership under different atmospheres.
Long ago, we were on our own living the best way we know how to. After some time, we came under colonial rulership that lasted for decades. Having seen all they had to offer us, we agitated for independence which was granted though not without a fight. Since independence, a lot has really unfolded.
Looking back at the years gone by, much has really be done, yet, here we are. We have taken so many steps forward, yet, here we are. Different regimes have come and gone who promised to take us to the place our founding father foresaw, yet, here we are. Different paradigms have been tried in all spheres, still, here we are. But don't you think we need to sit down and ask ourselves some critical questions?
Our founding fathers had to put their lives on the line to fight for independence because they foresaw a greener earth for Nigeria being under our own government. But looking back at the years gone by, what testimony have we got? Is this the future our founding fathers foresaw that motivated them to stake their lives to fight for us to lead ourselves?

Monday, 16 April 2018

Handling Disappointments in Relationships

We go into different relationships from time to time for one purpose or the other. Depending on what and who is involved in the relationship and the circumstances surrounding it, we are exposed to different kinds of experiences both the ones we anticipated and the ones we do not. These experiences impact us differently too.

True, establishing and maintaining good relationships involves huge investments especially the investment of time and emotions aside many other things. At times, you may put in so much into the relationship expecting much from it, but all you could get is pains, disappointment, heartbreak, betrayals even from those you trusted with the whole of your heart. It may become difficult to trust and open your heart to people as a result. This is a foundational premise for the "TRUST - NOBODY" paradigm. But the question is,

Saturday, 14 April 2018

Legacy: An X-ray of Nelson Mandela's life

Nelson Mandela
"I have fought against White domination, and I have fought against Black domination. I have cherished the idea of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an idea which I hope to live for and achieve. But if need be, it is an idea in which I'm prepared to die"

These were the words of one of the most beautiful souls that ever lived on planet earth; an anti-apartheid leader and a world revolutionist, Nelson Mandela which he declared fearlessly and in the spirit of faith and national patriotism before the court where he was undergoing trials in 1966.

Indeed, the worth of a man in neither in his materialistic possessions nor his number of days on earth, but in his contribution to the betterment of humanity. It is your level of contribution to better the lot of humanity that shows you are really great or not. Some crave for opportunities and fortunes whose arrows of benefits points to themselves, always being driven to satisfy personal interests even if at the expense of others.

Saturday, 31 March 2018


....continued from You need People!(Part 1)
1.     No one knows it all: In life, you may know all, but one. We learn in parts and we know in parts. No human is all - knowing. There is no amount of knowledge you have now that somebody, somewhere didn't contribute to somehow. No matter how much you know, somebody still need to show you the way in some areas. The feeling that you know all is an indication that you are yet to learn. Learning extra than the ordinary is the secret of becoming extraordinary in life.

2.     You can't see your back: No matter how far you can see down the road, you can't see your back. So, somebody still needs to watch your back for you. You can't be everywhere at the same time and that's why you need somebody to speak for you, fight for you, defend you when you are not there. No matter how sensitive and meticulous you are, there are some details that you may still miss.
3.     You can't do it all: In life, you can do all, but one. If you can do all you need to do to achieve greatness, then you are not doing much.
(To be continued)
Go to: You need People!(Part 3)

Friday, 30 March 2018


Obviously, Yahoo business is gradually becoming one of the most populous businesses today done especially through the internet.
People especially the younger generation are trooping into it every now and then. And they seem to be making fortunes from it. You see them all around with exotic cars, living big and inexpensive houses. They always show forth their flamboyance everywhere.A lot of concerns have been raised about the rate at which this business is winning the interest of the young ones.
Some condemn the business sharply while others condone it giving some reasons.
I have personally been concerned enough to take a closer look at the subject matter to understand the impact it makes on those involved either positively or negatively.

Thursday, 29 March 2018



MMM became fully operational in Nigeria in 2016. It was embraced my Nigerians and seen as a quicker and easier way of making money. On this ground, it spread so fast like Hammathan fire within a very short time. It dominated the internet and was the talk of the day.


If you look at the Nigeria today, there are so much confusion and frustrations. You see people living with expectations unmet. People are being compared by circumstances to work extra hard in order to make both ends meet. Yet, the majority cannot afford 3 square meals a day not to talk about other life essentials.
Governmental systems are obviously not doing enough to salvage the status quo. The common man is highly marginalized and disadvantaged in the allotment and distribution of the national cake. This makes the common man so helpless and sometimes, hopeless.
Of course, you know a man can get hungry to a stage whereby he would have no choice than accept anything that promises quick relief without minding the legitimacy of the source.

Sunday, 25 March 2018


....Continued from Part 2...
Who do you need in your life?
You don't necessarily need everybody, but you need someone;
1.     People who understand and accept you for who you are. Those who celebrate, build on your strength and cover up for your weaknesses. You need people that see your weak spots as opportunities for mutually benefitting investments and not people who would take advantage of your weaknesses for their selfish interests.
2.     People who are patriotic in their thinking, who judge and rate you by what you are born with and not who gave birth to you or where and when you are born.
3.     People who believe in you beyond prevailing circumstances.

4.     People who have what you need, those who can be a blessing to you in certain ways using their innate abilities. Those who would complement and complete you with their strengths.

Read also: You need people!(Part 1)

5.     People who need what you have, who you can be a blessing to in certain ways using your innate abilities.
6.     People who could tell you what you need to hear and not just what you want to hear. These are people who are bold enough to confront you with the "bitter" truth you need to achieve greatness. Note that when you are only surrounded by people who always agree with and approve every one of your moves, desires, ideas and opinions, then your fall is imminent.
7- The company of highfliers: When you are surrounded by high fliers and high achievers,you would one day become one.

Read also: Think Big!(Part Four)
8- Those who would be there for you even when it is not convenient and when you are not there.
9. those who are too busy for empty gossips anbackbitingng. If you join them to put others down, one day, they will join other people too to put you down when. Remember, what goes around, comes around.

Read also: You need people!(Part 2)

Friday, 23 March 2018


Nothing substantial, either good or evil has been achieved outside the platform of relationships. The greatest breakthroughs as well as breakdowns that have happened to mankind have been made possible on the ground of stable relationships whereby two or more like minds connect and commune together to pursue a common goal. 
When people come together to pursue a common cause, their spectrum of resourcefulness is widened and they become better equipped to achieve what a single person could not achieve alone.
In life, no matter your level of physical, spiritual, mental, material and otherwise capacities, you still need people to achieve greater fortunes.

1.     No one has it all: In life, you may have all, but one. No matter whom you are, what and how much you have, there is still somebody somewhere that has what you don't have but which you need as you live. If what you have by yourself is just enough to achieve all your dreams, then your dreams are too small. Your dreams should be bigger than what you can achieve all alone. This is what stretches you to grow extra and bigger than the ordinary.
(To be continued)
Go to: You need People!(Part 2)

Thursday, 22 March 2018


Every human being on earth is loaded with potentials to solve the problems of humanity. The fact that there are problems all around is an indication that there are solutions only that they lie somewhere in the hearts of men. Each of us carries pockets and packets of medicines to heal the pains of humanity. We are all born to birth something new the world has not seen.
There is a time to be born and a time to die, in between is a time to live and fulfill destiny, but how you live matters. While some live to become inventors of new ideas, models and concepts to better the lots of humanity, others spend a bulk of their lives as spectators - just watching what others have invented. In the cinema house, while some are on stage and behind the stage making things happen, others are comfortably seated before the stage watching things happen.
Usually, by the principle of interdependence, the beauty of one person or profession is meant to be enjoyed by others, yet you must contribute your quota. You can't just be going from one sphere to another enjoying what other people have done without being challenged to add your own. A lot of potentials are being wasted on excuses.

Wednesday, 21 March 2018


       In the production industry, the raw material does not look as beautiful and valuable as the finished product. There are times the raw materials may not even make sense seeing them at the beginning until they have passed through the production process to form the desired product. 
At times, the final product which comes out of the production room as a whole entity was once in scattered pieces until they were assembled and logically organized in a form that is later regarded and valued as a product worth paying for.

Monday, 19 March 2018


Have you imagined how in the process of following our drives with passion,we at times drive ourselves off track? We drive too fast and out of fuel without knowing it.

Saturday, 17 March 2018


Continued from Part Nine....
3.   The Attitude of Faith and Perseverance: Indeed, greatness comes with a lot of challenges and confrontations. There are a lot of battles you fight even when you don't expect to fight. You even fight with yourself at times. You struggle with some attitudes, weaknesses, addictions, obsessions and proclivities. At times you struggle between various options to make sensitive decisions. There are times you may need to step out of your comfort zone when you are not even too sure of survival in the new jungle you are stepping into.

Friday, 16 March 2018


Continued from Part Eight....

1.  The attitude of honesty and integrity: If you look around the world today, there is so much confusion everywhere. The sense of morality and values are increasingly being lost. You see people trying to fake it in a bid to make it. You see people playing games in order to make names in the society. Betrayals, backstabbing, breach of contracts, manipulations, and maneuverings, corruption and all sort of societal vices plaguing humanity. You see people offering substandard products and services packaged in well-beautified containers all in a bid to make more profit. They run over people in a bid to increase their turn over. There is deception everywhere and it is now very difficult to know who to trust. People now dealing with high level of skepticism, suspicion, and distrust all because of where we've found ourselves as a society.

Thursday, 15 March 2018


V - Vision
I - Initiative
S - Sacrifice
A - Attitude

A - Attitude: Indeed, attitude is everything. Your attitude will either launch you to high altitudes in life or place you in perpetual servitude. You mold your attitudes to mold your future. Success or failure is a product of attitude. Once you get it right with your attitudes, success is in view.
Let's take time to X-ray some of these attitudes required for success.

1.  The attitude of humility: Greatness comes in bits, in installments. It comes from doing many small things greatly per time. It comes by laying many small bricks on each other until a whole building is formed. Success is the cumulative result of taking small steps daily towards the achievement of a bigger dream. To succeed in life, you may be required to start very small at times. You may be required to play on a very low key until you've gathered enough momentum to pitch and this requires absolute humility and patience.

Wednesday, 14 March 2018


 ...continued from Part Six on Sacrifice...
1.  Sacrifice of Pleasure: There are some things that count but are not counted by many people. Whereas, there are some things that are counted but do not really count, thus you must know the difference. To succeed, you must know the things that count and treat them with utmost priority. Nothing should count that is not connected to the fulfillment of your vision at the very core. There are some personal desires, cravings, comfort and pleasures that could really be so enjoyable but these could get you trapped and hindered if not checked. If you can't deny your flesh some of the pleasures it desires, your flesh will deny you the treasures you desire.

Tuesday, 13 March 2018


...continued from Part Five on Sacrifice...
1.  The Sacrifice of Time: Great things don't come too easily and too quickly, they take time. Never be in a hurry to come on stage when you are not well prepared. Every good performance you see on stage is a product of long hours of unseen labor behind the scenes, but the time spent in preparation will always be worth it at the end if the desired results have been achieved.
Note that you cannot reign well and reign long if you don't train well and train long.

Monday, 12 March 2018


....Continued from Part Four on Sacrifice visa
1.  THE SACRIFICE OF LEARNING: Your vision will grow lean if you don't learn enough per time and over time. The greatest hindrance to the fulfillment of vision is ignorance and the greatest weapon is knowledge. While it is needful for you to be very passionate about pursuing your vision, don't do so without first arming yourself with the relevant knowledge. True, there are some things you learn on the job, but there are some knowledge and skills you must possess for you to breakthrough.

Sunday, 11 March 2018


V – Vision
I - Initiative
S - Sacrifice
A - Attitude
S - Sacrifice: Life is a market place and everything has a price tag. Once you've placed your orders and made payments, you have a delivery of what and how much you paid for. Life does not cheat and cannot be cheated.
For every vision you are running with, there are specific demands life places on you. When you are able to meet these demands, you mount up in greatness. But when you are not able, you melt down in mediocrity.

Saturday, 10 March 2018


V - Vision
I - Initiative
S - Sacrifice
A – Attitude

I - INITIATIVE: Discovering and defining your vision is not success yet. You have to begin to live the vision every day and for the rest of your life. You must strive to initiate that plan you have on your head. You need to start something irrespective of prevailing circumstances. Don't complain things are not good that's why you couldn't do anything. Do something instead and make things good, better until they are best.

Friday, 9 March 2018


Continuation from SUCCESS VISA (PART ONE)
V - Vision
I - Initiative
S - Sacrifice
A – Attitude

V - Vision: Dream is what could be, while vision is what would be. You need more than mere dreaming to succeed. The heart of a man is full of many desires. So, you need to make a stock count of all your present desires, wants, interests, cravings, and passions and sieve out that "one thing" that makes the difference. You can't really be a difference maker in life if you don't know what really makes the difference.

Thursday, 8 March 2018


Nobody is born a success or a failure, we all live to be either successful or as a failure depending on how we lived our lives. Everybody is born with all needed potentials to live a fulfilled life but how much of these potentials we discover and maximized determines how successful and fulfilled we become.
Success and failure are not functions of our background in the real sense, but how well we've discovered and developed ourselves to maximize opportunities for growth around us.

Wednesday, 7 March 2018


More on steps to self-actualization: (continued from Part One)
1.  Document the picture of the future you have sculptured in your mind. Try to print out the mental picture physically using pictures, graphic illustrations and words that correctly portray the exact image of the future you have created. Be very detailed, simple, specific and realistic in doing this. Keep these information before you all the time in parchments, diaries, wall frames, as wallpapers and screensavers on phones and computers and any other form as applicable.

Tuesday, 6 March 2018


Living every day like the person you want to become in the future is the beginning of fulfillment. A major part of tomorrow is lived today. Thinking that the future is still far ahead is one of the greatest risk ever, it makes you to be taken unawares by the unfolding of life realities.
Let's look at it this way: some hours ago, today was tomorrow, and some hours from now, tomorrow shall become today and today shall become yesterday. So, every tick of the clock brings the future closer than you think and you may be overtaken by events if you are still thinking the days are still far ahead because they are not. To fulfill your dreams, therefore, you must strive daily to beat the time and start living your dreams now.

Sunday, 4 March 2018

ON RESPONSIBILITY: being in charge of your life

Motivitals Quotes
Have you imagined why in the same environment where people fail, others succeed? Have you thought of the reason why in the same land where some people fold up their businesses, others keep expanding? 
At times, the same circumstances that get some people frust

Saturday, 3 March 2018

UNPLUG: reinventing yourself for maximum productivity.

Motivitals Quotes
As we go through life every day, we are being exposed to different circumstances both good and bad. There are times a bulk of our experiences do contradict and contravene our life expectations. We are often faced with mountains that could look insurmountable, situations that are too bitter to our taste. 
Meanwhile, inbuilt in us is the survival instincts which are being activated in response to those circumstances.
This is when we begin to stagger in order to regain our stand instead of falling when the stormy wind of tribulations blow against us. We tend to struggle to bring our stock of experiences, knowledge and all energies inherent in us to bear in order to overcome the challenge at hand.
True, the determined soul is never ready to give up come what may. To this end, we often find ourselves wrestling with one challenge or the other at a time. In the process, we expend energies either spiritual, physical, mental and otherwise.
 At this state, we become vulnerable in so many ways. If enough effort is not being made to replenish our depleted energy levels as soon as necessary, we may become totally spent and exhausted making us even more vulnerable.
Some people have lost their mind in the process of trying to get things fixed. Some have lost the little they have gathered in the process of trying to gather more. Some have come down with self-hatred in the process of trying to address the hatred from others. 
In the process of trying to put things in place, many have lost their places. Many are still losing more while seeking that which has been lost.
Now, could it be more advisable not to make further determined effort to handle things that are getting out of hand? Not really. The only advice is, be well guided by your heart and your head in balance. 

Read also: Just take it easy!

You need wisdom, and the wisdom is to unplug, go back to your drawing board and look at the setting, again and again, to see what fits and what doesn't.

Motivitals Quotes
It is not enough to make relentless efforts to succeed, you must ensure all your efforts are in the right direction. 
After taking some steps towards achieving a goal and things are not working as planned, try and find out if you are really doing the right thing and no essential part is missing out. Try to find out if there is anything you are doing that you are not supposed to do, or if there is anything you are not doing that you are supposed to do. Then, make amends when and where necessary. Of course, from the things that are not working, you can learn the things that could work.

Read also: Success Visa: walking/working your way to success!

Friday, 2 March 2018

THINK BIG (Part Seven)

Having done all to start the pursuit of your dreams from the preceding series, always remember the following as you go on the journey:
1.  There are potholes ahead: The road to success is never a smooth one, not at all. Your journey will always be checkered with challenges. Things may not go as expected. Friends may fail you. Attacks from both known and unknown sources would come. But remember, if you would fail or succeed, it's a choice you would have to make. God's promises for your life does not make for the absence of obstacles, they only guarantee your victory.

Thursday, 1 March 2018

THINK BIG! (Part Six)

 More on How to start:

4.  Documentation: It is not enough to set goals and make plans; you need to document them properly with all details. Don't just keep your goals and your plans in your head because you will forget them either in part, or in whole. Good documentation practices helps in monitoring, evaluation and follow up. It reminds you of the task ahead thereby keeping you always on your toe and on the watch. It also keeps you focused.

Wednesday, 28 February 2018

THINK BIG (Part Five)

Now, having thought through and structured your dreams, the next thing is to start pursuing them. At times, it may require you to start small. Some people could really detest starting small. But it is worthy of mention that starting small is not mediocrity, it is continuing and ending small that makes it so. Please note that any road that leads "there" starts from "here (where you are and what makes the difference is "TIME”). So, it may only take time but you must surely get there with time even if you started very small. If you cannot survive the "down" then forget about the "up". Many small bricks laid on each other with purpose and consistency eventually makes a whole building.

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

THINK BIG (Part Four)

For every delicacy prepared, there are vital ingredients and for every good building erected, there are specific materials needed. Your thinking has to be constructive, focused at an endpoint that is eternally rewarding. The vital ingredients for this all profiting venture are as follows.
1.  A clear sense of vision and purpose: The first step to real success is the clear knowledge of what you want to succeed in. A clear sense of vision prevents your thinking from stinking and saves you from sinking in the ocean of mediocrity. Making a clear cut definition of your vision prevents you from being cut up in the web of complacency and stagnation. It enables you to navigate through the hazy and gloomy circumstances without losing focus of where you are going. It saves you many distractions. It points you towards a higher ground than you've been.

Monday, 26 February 2018

THINK BIG (Part Three)

Why you should dream big: Dreaming big especially within worthwhile life principles is not pride nor greed but a way of life of the great. Dream big because;

1.  Your God is big and with Him nothing shall be impossible.
2.  You deserve more: God created you so special and has endowed you with potentials for unlimited greatness. You have every right to place higher demands on life and life will offer you what you demanded so long you are ready to pay the price. So, confining yourself to what prevailing circumstances will ordinarily allow is the height of self-shortchanging and self-deprivation.

Sunday, 25 February 2018

THINK BIG (Part Two)

Some reasons why people don't think big:
1.  IGNORANCE: Ignorance is not just a disease as it is popularly said, it is a killer. It kills faster than you can imagine even while you are still breathing.
The size of your dreams will always be commensurate with the size of your wealth of knowledge; how informed you are about yourself and your environment. You will always find it difficult to dream bigger than you know you can ordinarily achieve. The more potentials you discover in yourself to achieve greater fits of glory, the more you will be prompted to expand your dreams. You can't do more if you don't know you have more inner energies to do so and having something without knowing it is suicidal.

Saturday, 24 February 2018

THINK BIG (Part One)

"As a man thinket in his heart, so is he..."
This is a fundamental truth that cannot be gainsaid in the pursuit of greatness. The whole destiny of man is influenced by several working principles and chief of these is the principle of THINKING.
Life is such that the result in your hand today has been in your heart since yesterday either knowingly or unknowingly. There is nothing achieved in this world that was never conceived afore time. However, it is not enough just to think; thinking big is a more profitable venture.

Friday, 23 February 2018


In life, we live as we know. We go the way we know and how far we know.
Now, when you are informed, you will be transformed and when you are transformed, you will be in form to reform the formation of your world. But when you are not informed, you will rather conform to the form of your world and consequently be deformed. And when you are deformed, you cannot perform.

Thursday, 22 February 2018


The lens through which you see determines how you see things. The broader and clearer the window through which you view life, the broader and clearer the field of view.
Our perception of life issues influences our attitudes towards them. Our behaviors are greatly in response to the way we see things in our mind. Every situation we go through leaves an impact on us which is always a product of how we see and respond to those situations. True, what we go through each day is not as important as what goes on in our mind. We either win or lose in our daily struggle depending on the way we see and hence respond to the challenges that confront us.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018


We all need help as humans in one way or the other. No matter how great, strong and versatile you are, you still can't meet your needs all by yourself. No matter how long your hands may be, you will still need somebody to rub your back for you. No matter how sharp your eyes are, how far you can see and how vigilant you are, you still need somebody to watch your back.

Tuesday, 20 February 2018


      Chances may not come under the labels we anticipated. There may not be clear indications showing which one is the "negative" and which is the "positive" terminal. We wake up each day with expectations in mind. To see these expectations come to pass, we reach out daily in pursuit of one thing or the other. Nature, however, provides us with different circumstances that influence the outcome of our pursuits only that these circumstances, if you are not careful, you may plug in wrongly. So, we are left to look critically to identify and label circumstances the way they are in reality.

Some circumstances may carry what we really need to succeed but may not come in the likeness of what we expected. It then takes looking through the eyes of vision and purpose to discover what every situation holds for you. When you lack this mental capability to identify and place things where they belong, you begin to commit errors of commission and omission.